Hi Laurie, thanks for your response. While the CTL will be recognized it does seem to me that it will lose value. Those of us who have earned the CTL have passed 5 or 6 tests and may have also completed a creative component. This is a far greater commitment than the 1 test for the new CLTD. I believe that APICS should recognize this difference and award the CLTD to all CTL holders instead of asking us to prove our professionalism again. I think other CTL holders will agree. Regards.
Laurie Denham CTL, CAE
Thank you Mitch, yes, all active CTL holders will keep their designation and it will continue to be recognized by our new organization APICS.. As a professional development organization, we encourage you to seek the CLTD when it is released next June so you can be current in your knowledge base. I hope to see you at APICS 2016 in Washington, DC.. September 28-30, 2016!