Billable vs. Pro Bono Consulting

I have posted about this topic in the past and use this approach whenever the situation arises. “Quick Question” queries are frequent and I look at them as an opportunity. I am always happy to hear from former clients, colleagues, and business associates. The scope of their requests vary so need to be handled accordingly. For a consultant this is a good problem to have.

Consultants often receive “Just a quick question?” queries from clients or others and everyone responds differently. Most likely the questioner believes that their question is an easy one and may be looking for pro bono service. In fact, while it is easy to ask a quick question, an accurate response is not always quick.

I have been offered lunch or dinner as compensation for quick questions. Others have assumed that, since their question is quick, there will be no charge for the answer. As a solo practitioner I know that I need to remain flexible and avoid rigid procedures while making sure that I am compensated for my time and expertise. Based on trial and error, here is how I handle “quick questions”.

Active clients– I truly value my long-term clients who are the foundation of my business. It is easier to keep clients than to gain new ones. So, if I can help a client on the spot I will do so as a part of my service. This usually involves something simple like identifying a resource for them. If time and/or research is required I let the client know how I will handle the request and what I will charge. Most clients understand this approach because I have added value for them in the past. If they have frequent quick questions I may suggest my retainer service which allows them to prepay for brief consultations by choosing a set number of hours.

Prospective clients– This is a little trickier because of situations such as the ones I have described, so I am more selective in my responses. I do try to be helpful as I want them to remember me when they have a real project. If I can answer a question without expending time and research I may do so and consider it a free sample of my work. If time and research is required I will propose the retainer option or quote a minimum charge. I will always try to learn about the potential client’s business so that I can determine their real needs and follow up at a later date.

Former colleagues– One of the benefits of being a FedEx alum is having contacts with excellent colleagues all over the world. A number of active clients have been the result of referrals by former colleagues. Any questions they have are on behalf of their clients which can potentially become mine. Their referrals are my compensation. If they have a project requiring time and research I may ask them to connect me to the client if possible. I’m always happy to hear from former colleagues so FedExers don’t hesitate to reach out.

Friends and family- This is rare as I try not to mix personal with professional and I don’t want to charge friends or family. I will accommodate a minor request and give them a referral for anything more complex.

This method is not perfect but works well enough for me in my growing practice. I would be interested in hearing how other consultants handle “quick questions”
