Exporters Own Your Mistakes

As noted in a recent post self-blinding carries risk for exporters in addition to the fines and penalties associated with export violations. Mistakes happen and it is best to take corrective action on your own as a part of your compliance program.

Export compliance means attention to detail, consistent procedures, up to date knowledge, and oversight. Due diligence is required for EEI filings, Schedule B and ECCN classification, Licensing entries, and Country of Origin determination. In spite of best efforts, mistakes will be made. In these cases a Voluntary Self-Disclosure is a smart move. Here is some info from the BIS (Bureau of Industry and Security) website:

BIS encourages the submission of Voluntary Self Disclosures (VSDs) by parties who believe they may have violated the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). VSDs are an excellent indicator of a party’s intent to comply with U.S. export control requirements and may provide BIS important information on other ongoing violations. BIS carefully reviews VSDs received from disclosing parties to determine if violations of the EAR have occurred and to determine the appropriate corrective action when violations have taken place. Additional information regarding VSDs can be found in Part 764.5 of the EAR, or the enforcement section of our website www.bis.doc.gov.


Contact mitch@adhoclogistics.com for help with Voluntary Self Disclosures.