ECCN Order of Review

One of the key elements in export compliance is the ECCN or Export Control Classification Number. In order to determine if a license is needed for your exports it is first necessary to determine the ECCN for your commodity. As we have noted in previous posts, many exporters automatically enter EAR99 and NLR on shipping documents. This is a mistake unless you have done due diligence on your products. EAR99 indicates that a commodity is subject to Export Administration Regulations but is not specifically listed on the Commodity Control List (CCL). NLR states that no license is required.

ECCN can be determined by consulting with manufacturers of products, filing a classification request with BIS (Bureau of Industry and Security), or self classifying. BIS offers a specially designed decision tool that is very easy to use. Check it out on the Exporter Portal @

Contact mitch@ for immediate help.

Heads Up Exporters

New mandatory EEI filing requirements effective 9/27/2020. Here is one of the the FAQs from the BIS website.

Q28: Are exporters required to file EEI for shipments of commercial items valued under $2,500 if destined to China and it is for commercial end use?

A: Yes. The new mandatory filing requirement in Section 758.1(b)(10) applies to all items that have an ECCN and are destined to China, Russia, or Venezuela, regardless of value, end use or end user. The only one of the exemptions in Section 758.1(c) that is available to overcome this requirement is License Exception GOV.

Need help? Contact mitch@

What does EAR99 mean?

When making entries on export documents shippers routinely use EAR99 for their ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) . While this may be the correct entry, it is important to first check the CCL (Commerce Control List) to make sure. Also items classified as EAR99 may require a license under certain conditions. Make sure you are using EAR99 and NLR (No License Required) appropriately. Here is some language from BIS (Bureau of Industry and Security) explaining EAR99.

If your item falls under U.S. Department of Commerce jurisdiction and is not listed on the CCL, it is designated as EAR99. EAR99 items generally consist of low-technology consumer goods and do not require a license in most situations. However, if your proposed export of an EAR99 item is to an embargoed country, to an end-user of concern, or in support of a prohibited end-use, you may be required to obtain a license.

For assistance contact mitch@

Trick Exam Question

Best of luck to anyone taking the Customs Broker exam on October 8th. No doubt it will be challenging. Most exams include one or two obscure questions. Here is one from a previous post. Answer below.

Importations of switchblade knives is permissible by 15 U.S.C 1244 if:

A. The importation is pursuant to a contract with a branch of the State Militia.
B. The importation is destined for a specific member or employee in a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States specifically for personal pleasure off-duty use.
C. The importation of the switchblade knives have a blade not exceeding 6 inches in length.
D. The entry will contain, among other documents, a declaration in duplicate stating that the switchblade knife has a blade not exceeding 3 inches in length and is possessed by and is being transported on the person of an individual who has only one arm.
E. The entry will contain, among other documents, a declaration in duplicate stating that the switchblade knife has a blade not exceeding 6 inches in length.

Answer – D

KPMG Webinar

I recently participated in another KPMG TradeWatch webinar on export compliance smart practices for audits and corrective actions. The presenters packed a lot of useful information into 60 minutes. Here are some highlights.

Employ transactional testing to determine areas of greatest risk including: licensed shipments, end destinations, end users, freight forwarders, jurisdiction and classification determinations, denied party screening.

Periodic Self Testing using:

Internal Controls- Do they provide visibility?

Internal Processes- Are they appropriate for the level of business?

Systems- How are compliance updates handled?

Personnel- Is staff trained in export compliance responsibilites? What is escalation protocol?

External Factors- What procedures and communication is in place for third parties and supply chain partners?


Consider voluntary self disclosures as part of corrective actions. VSDs can help mitigate fines and penalties.

TRB Reviews

I recently reviewed two research papers for the Transportation Research Board in my role as a member of the Standing Committee on International Trade and Transportation.

While I recommended acceptance of both of these papers, they have not yet been published, so I may name them in a future post. These studies are academic in nature, highly technical, and contain plenty of statistics. They obviously won’t be of interest to everyone but they do make contributions to the literature in their fields. I am pleased to have had the opportunity to review these papers and am very impressed by the amount of work done by the authors.

Managing Remotely?

Working remotely has become the norm with obvious advantages in cost savings and productivity. Managing remotely also brings challenges. While it is easy to move information and analyze data from any location, the human element is different. Without “face time” one of the big risks is miscommunication. Some basic management skills can help improve performance.

Here is a proven method for your toolbox. The links of the performance chain can are useful for day to day management and problem solving.

Expectations– Are goals and deliverables crystal clear? Don’t assume. Feedback– Information which is specific, timely, and relevant. Not just an annual review. Resources– Time, tools, and staffing to do the job right. Skills/Knowledge– Is training needed? Managers often point to training as the solution to problems. However, if employees know how to do the job training may not be the answer to performance issues. Look to the other links of the chain. Capacity– Does the person have the physical and mental ability to do the job with training? If not, reassign or terminate, and screen new hires more carefully. Incentives– What rewards are most meaningful to the workforce? These include money, benefits, flex time, etc. and will vary for individuals. Incentives are external and provided by the company. Motivation– Internal and personal to each employee. Top performers are self motivated. For others the idea is to bring out their motivation through incentives, training, or simply clearer expectations and feedback.

New to management? The performance chain is a good starting place. Experienced manager? Old dogs can learn new tricks.

NLR? Not so fast

From BIS (Bureau of Industry and Security) website….


Does my shipment require an export license? Maybe. A U.S. export license requirement from the Department of Commerce can be triggered by several important factors specific to your transaction: the actual item (commodity, software, or technology) that will be exported, where it is going, who is going to use it, and what they will be using it for. If any of these factors change in your transaction, the license requirements may change.

Customs Broker License Exam Information

The customs broker license examination (CBLE) is scheduled for October 8, 2020, as previously announced in the Federal Register notice (84 FR 71440) published on December 27, 2019.  CBP will administer two examination sessions: one in the morning and one in the afternoon, the times will be announced soon.  CBP’s highest priority is the health and safety of all test-takers and CBP personnel.  Information will be added concerning the CBLE as soon as possible, please regularly check this website for updates regarding the October 8, 2020 examination.  If you have questions please email Headquarters Broker Management Branch at

Updated: July 28, 2020

Next Exam

The CBLE registration is scheduled to open early on August 3, 2020 and will close on September 8, 2020. 

International Logistics Consulting; Licensed Customs Brokers