Continuous Bond Sufficiency

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The recently enacted China 301 tariffs, along with increased Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty cases, are impacting continuous bond sufficiency. Several clients have reached saturation requiring big increases in their bond amounts. A good risk management practice for importers suggests addressing continuous bond amount before it becomes an issue.

Check out BIS compliance training

I have previously written that export compliance is good risk management. While risk management always gets C level attention, export compliance is often a mid-management or lower level function. Fines and penalties for violations should make export compliance a basic part of risk management. Best practices, including an Export Management & Compliance Program, will reduce exposure to steep fines and penalties as described by BIS (Bureau of Industry and Security) on their website

If you are relying on your logistics service providers or your busy shipping department for export compliance you may be at risk. Both upper management commitment and front line training are essential parts of an EMCP.

BIS offers a number of on-line courses at no cost. Check them out under the Training and Compliance tab and get started!


Violations of the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended (EAA), 50 U.S.C. app. §§ 2401-2420 (2000), and the Export Administration Regulations, 15 C.F.R. Parts 730-774 (2007) (EAR) may be subject to both criminal and administrative penalties. When the EAA is in effect, criminal penalties can reach 20 years imprisonment and $1 million per violation.

Privileges. A denial of export privileges prohibits a person from participating in any way in any transaction subject to the EAR. Furthermore, it is unlawful for other businesses and individuals to participate in any way in an export transaction subject to the EAR with a denied person.

contact mitch@

Warehousing Value Adds

From the archives:

Supply chain strategy is often designed to eliminate or reduce warehousing. While this trend will no doubt continue as a means to lower total costs and improve efficiency, warehousing can still play an important role and add value. Here are some key areas for managers to consider in improving warehouse operations:


A major factor in supply chain strategy is inventory turnover. Warehouses enable effective positioning of inventory to support supply chain strategy. This includes raw materials, components for manufacturing, and finished goods inventory. Sound location theory is needed to determine the best warehouse site.



Old model characterized by use of intermediaries (middlemen) and staging of inventory throughout the supply chain. Newer model eliminates some nodes and reduces inventory. Faster cycle times put more pressure on logistics systems. This means that positioning of inventory is more important in the newer model.



Old logistics models focused only on efficiency and cost control. The challenge for whse mgrs is to achieve efficiency, control costs, and add value. This is done through improving cycle time and managing fulfillment operations.



Bulky commodities tend to occupy the most space in a warehouse and require labor to handle. These commodities usually carry lower value per pound and therefore lower profit margins. They may also be in the mature or declining product life cycles. Warehousing of these products must be efficient to avoid profit drain.




Big factor in warehouse decision making is price of real estate. High tech distribution centers with automated handling systems are capital intensive. Labor markets are important to the location decisions. These are examples of strategic decisions made at higher levels of management.



While training does exist, there are very few college courses in warehousing. Some literature can be found  but few text books. Therefore opportunities exist to professionalize the field.





Most warehouses are labor intensive and variable costs are critical. The whse can be used to provide good front line management experience for new managers. Mid level managers may also be assigned to the whse because of reorganizations and downsizing and their experience can be valuable. The whse should not be used as a dumping ground for problem employees. This will result in lower professionalism.




Logistics improvements can be high level supply chain integrations, mid level coordination between manufacturing, marketing, and other intra company functions, or basic improvements in functions. In most companies the warehouse can benefit from some basic improvements. Small changes can have a big impact and can be implemented easily.

EAR99 and NLR…Are you sure?

From the archives but worth re-visiting. When the ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) comes up on export documents most shippers automatically enter EAR 99. For license questions NLR (No License Required) is often used as a default exception. While these may be the correct entries, it is a good business practice to check and confirm.

As part of any Export Management Program, exporters need to make sure they are using correct commodity classifications and license exceptions. While freight forwarders can provide expertise in these areas the exporter bears primary responsibility for compliance. If you are automatically using NLR and EAR 99 you may be at risk.  According to EAR part 732 “For items subject to EAR but not listed in CCL the proper classification is EAR 99. EAR 99 is a basket for items not specified under CCL and appears at the end of each Category on the CCL.”

For immediate assistance with exports contact mitch@ .

Customs Broker Exam Prep

If you are planning to take the customs brokers exam in April you should be well into your preparations by now. In a previous post I shared the prep strategies that worked for me. Here is the info again with the key steps highlighted. Best of luck but don’t rely on luck.

According to CBP Customs and Border Protection passing rates for the customs brokers exam average only 3-11% nationwide. The test is given twice per year in April and October. It consists of 80 multiple choice questions and a passing grade is 75%. The exam is open book which makes it seem easy. However, the books consist of  the HTUS Harmonized Tariff of the United States and CFR 19 Code of Federal Regulations, totaling hundreds of pages. The difficulty is in being able to quickly access the right section for each question. It is a four hour exam so three minutes per question is not much time.

I took a prep course but, as good as it was, I would not have been able to pass the exam without additional study. I estimate that I spent about 50-60 hours on weekends leading up to the exam.

I used 6 previous exams and a 3 step process. In step 1 I took each test for accuracy, ignoring the clock. In step 2 I took the tests again in the same order, while timing myself to make sure I could finish within 4 hours. I believe that step 3 was the key to my success. For this phase I circled all the questions I had missed in steps 1 and 2 and created a separate mini exam which I took several times until I answered all the questions correctly.

Let shippers ship

If your company is depending on a busy shipping department for export compliance you may be at risk. Let shippers do what they do best by moving the freight.  Export compliance should be a front end  and not a back door process.
While risk management always gets C-level attention, export compliance is often a mid-management or lower level function. Fines and penalties for violations are significant enough to make export compliance a basic part of risk management. Violations of the Export Administration Act (EAR) may be subject to both criminal and administrative penalties. Criminal penalties can reach 20 years imprisonment and $1 million per violation. Administrative monetary penalties can reach $11,000 per violation and $120,000 per violation in cases involving items controlled for national security reasons. Violations are posted on the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) website which makes adverse publicity a deterrent for any corporation. In addition, compliance issues can expose companies to regulatory scrutiny by government agencies, including Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Departments of State, Commerce, and Treasury.

Contact mitch@ for help with compliance.


International Logistics Consulting; Licensed Customs Brokers